Just Sit on IT!

......continuing with the challenge, this is day 25 of 31....for all 31, go here

While preparing for tomorrow's upholstery tutorial, I realized that I did not tell you enough about foam.

How much cush for you tush?

It is very scientific....not really, you just SIT ON IT! Let me show you. Here is the chair with just springs and burlap

Starting with 1" High Density foam

Too hard

Next up, 2"

Better, still a bit hard for my derriere

The Papa Bear, 3"


The foam will have a layer of dacron, so I'll test it that way....

It is a plush seat, my personal preference.

Same method for the back

This is the winning combo; a 3" High Density foam for the seat, with a 2" High Density foam for the back.....your bum may have a different preference.

Do you prefer a plush chair, or a firm chair?

Upholstery 101 (week 5)


Or, you can do this....