Linda {Calling it Home} Linda {Calling it Home}

Nantucket Nursery - Worthwhile Domicile

Today is a super busy day around here. Continuing with my 31 days of Nantucket Style is my friend Tiffany. To start at the beginning of the series, you can go here. Also, the final reveal of the  Paint a Rug Party will be up shortly.

If you don't know Tiffany, you may know her famous powder room.

This is a stencil! Yes, she did it all by herself.

Fab window treatment

It made quite the rounds on some blogs and Pinterest. You can see all of it here.

Anyway, Tiffany will be having a baby this FRIDAY! She was kind enough to do a Nantucket Nursery for us...

Hi all! I'm Tiffany from Worthwhile Domicile.  I'm excited to contribute to Linda's 31 day series, though I was a little hesitant at first.  I don't claim to be savvy in home design, and I can be really indecisive, so coming up with a Nantucket themed nursery seemed daunting.  And, I've never been to Nantucket!  

So here's how this is going down.  I'm going to give you what I imagine a baby boys nursery would look like.  Why a baby boy?  Because I have a 4 yr old girl and am expecting another little girl October 5th....and I'm 40.  Needless to say I'm retiring my uterus soon so this will be my only stab at coming up with something for a baby boy.

So, here's what I'm thinking.

1-Bead board, 2-whale mobile (The Modern Baby Co), 3- crib (Land of Nod), 4-area rug (Land of Nod), 5-ceiling light (Shades of Light), 6-Nantucket sign (Etsy), 7-Fabrics (Carousel Designs,, 8-oar (Etsy), 9-nautical art prints (Etsy), 10-table lamp (Shades of Light), 11-whale bookends (Jonathan Adler), 12-mirror (Anthony Wolf), 13-dresser (Land of Nod)

The inspiration for the room started with the Nantucket sign. I love the turquoise and orange combo. Not the traditional nautical navy blue that I've seen done before.  I'm picturing bead board around the room and nautical inspired lighting.  The fabrics pull out the colors of the sign and I like how they're a bit fun and modern.  No need to be stuffy, especially not in a baby's room.  The nautical art prints can be customized by the etsy seller to match whatever color scheme you're going for which is awesome.  The oar already in my color scheme was just a stroke of luck:)

I did the easy thing here and pulled the furnishings from big name stores, but you could easily get the same look for less with pieces from Craigslist which is actually something I love to do.  I'm a big fan of mixing old and freshened up with new.

So that's what I'm envisioning for my imaginary little man's Nantucket nursery.  Thanks for having me Linda!

Thanks, and good luck with the new baby, Tiffany.
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