Linda {Calling it Home} Linda {Calling it Home}

Ducks in a Row

Happy Monday and thank goodness there are 364 days until next Father's Day!

There have been some crazy things happening around here. Hopefully, I will have more news for you soon. In the mean time, I have not abandoned my 'Project Procrastination' goal. Since I have been lacking on my procrastinated projects....I am left with finishing 10 projects in 6 months.

I did manage to paint my ducks.

I used the same treatment on them that I used on this mirror. Just like the mirror, they look like real brass.  I am going to have fun placing them all over the house.

This post would put anyone to sleep.

I'm pinning it to Project Procrastination....Finish the Unfinished.

If you want to be a pinner, email me.
Now do tell, how was Father's Day at your house?

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Linda {Calling it Home} Linda {Calling it Home}

Last Day of Procrastination....for 2012

I was all tell you about my idea on how we can help each other with some of those procrastination projects. Only, I did not shoot a few pictures to help embarrass motivate myself. 

In case you are not clear on what I am even talking about, let me give you two examples

This stool, that I blogged about here

It is still completely untouched!

The ducks that most of you thought should be gold
Yeah....nothing accomplished.

This isn't a "beat myself up" post. It is a "do something with it or get rid of it" post.

I'll be back on the 2nd to tell you my plan, and I hope you join me in finishing the unfinished. Here's a work at your own pace.

Happy New Year, Friends.

Thank you for reading my blog and checking in with me throughout the year. No big 2013 declarations.....let's just try to do better than the last year.

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