Linda {Calling it Home} Linda {Calling it Home}

It Was My Lucky Day

I love giveaway's! If you are having one, come by and let me know....I will probably enter. Although I enter quite a few, I have only won two of them. The first one was this print. That was over a year ago. The second one was just a few weeks ago when I won this

Isn't it is the perfect shade of lavender. I won it from the design duo Powell Brower when they had this giveaway. Do you know those ladies? They are the Mother/Daughter team Nancy & Bethany. I love their blog.... Nancy and I have become blogging buddies. 

Here is what I did with this lovely piece of porcelain

I brought it to my local nursery and had THEM make a lovely arrangement. I am great with the outdoor plants, but the indoor ones don't like me very much. Currently, this arrangement was stolen borrowed by my daughter. Apparently, she wants her room done over in purple's. It has only been one year from the last time we changed her room colors.......I am hoping her purple haze will pass.

How often do you change the room colors of tweens & teens?

Update - Everything LEB is having a pillow giveaway

Go over, and enter!

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Linda {Calling it Home} Linda {Calling it Home}

My Mecox Gardens House Plant

A few postings ago, I was inspired by Mecox Gardens. After a trip to HomeGoods, the Pet store, and Michaels, I was ready to give it a go. First, an interesting container from HomeGoods

Next, some charcoal from the aquarium section at the local pet store

That's what I learned from reading the library book I talked about in my Terrarium post, and one of the reasons my first attempt failed. Next, some decorative crushed shells and gravel

Assemble everything, and you have 

A beautiful houseplant! I love the crushed shells

If anyone has some lovely houseplant arrangements they would like to share, I would be happy to post them.

Happy Planting!
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