Linda {Calling it Home} Linda {Calling it Home}

Garden Catalog Time

It's that time. 
For those of you who garden, or have ever accepted one garden catalog request...
you are probably knee deep in garden catalogs by now. Just like weeds, those babies multiply. 

I have done my share of catalog plant the time I ordered 9 white bare-root rose bushes

My own personal experience is price or patience.

If you shop price, and boy are the prices need to be patient. 
The inexpensive mail-order plants are small and will take a few years to catch up to the higher priced local nursery version.  

Here are some of the plants that are almost fool proof and great for mail-order.


These are shade plants. They will spread over time, and can be divided easily.


White Flower Farm
Another shade plant. Unlimited selection, and easily dividable.


White Flower Farm
Same as above, shade, large selection....easily divided.

My personal mail-order favorite are Lilies

I can't get enough of them. In fact, I think I have only bought these from mail-order. 
Lilies are much happier when planted as a bulb. If you purchase one from a garden center already in bloom, once the bloom has faded, cut it back to the bulb and plant that.

Do you have a favorite mail-order plant?

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