Linda {Calling it Home} Linda {Calling it Home}

Paint A Rug Party...take 2

I'm Done! Just kidding. Welcome back to week 2 of the Paint a Rug Party. For week one, go here.  You may recall that I am working on a square rug in my dressing area. Well, this is my official inspiration. I am going to attempt this Greek Key rug.

I stumbled upon Tatertots & Jello's Greek Key rug tutorial.  If you are using the Ikea rectangular rug...then go there and print one of these out

Tatertots & Jello
It's the perfect grid layout for the Ikea rug.  She said it was a lot of Algebra. I love algebra, and feel that geometry is a more accurate description. 

Regardless, if you are using an existing rug, then scrap all of the above...because you we will never be lucky enough to have it that easy. 

Here is the rug, and one thing is for will never look like this, again.

I had no idea what size tape to use, so I bought 3 sizes

I started with the 2" wide tape for the boarder. Most of the rug tutorials...OK, all of them, use a huge amount of tape, and then peal away for the painted spaces. Being as thrifty as I can be when I want to.....I decided to spot pieces of tape to set an even distance for the next row.

Using the edge of the tape as my guide, I would run the next row.

I used a razor blade to cut the edges straight.

Here is where I started rethinking the entire project....REMEMBER the tape will be the original color of the rug. You have to keep thinking in reverse. 

After measuring the inside dimension, It was clear that the 2" tape was too big to continue. So, I changed to the 1.5" tape for the pattern portion. I wold try to do a few rows on one side before I moved to the next. 

And before I knew it, I lost my square corners, and my marbles.

I kept at because I knew you were coming by to take a peak. 

It started resembling the pattern. I think I will do the center portions on all four sides, and then cheat the corners where needed.

Have you noticed how many bloggers are doing feet shots to end their posts? 

By the way, I have been playing with fonts and watermarking my prints throughout this post. I did it on PicMonkey. It was a lot faster than taping this rug!

Now let's go see if Jennifer got the rug and how everyone else did this week. We also have a party crasher....Beth from Design Post Interiors. 


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