Linda {Calling it Home} Linda {Calling it Home}

Please Sir, Can I Have Another Click...Blog Chat

Well it's been a while since we had our last blogging chit chat.... So let's talk about a few things. I would love to know your opinion of 'the page break'. You know, you click over to your favorite blog....or a new one and half way through the post you hit "click here to continue" or "more after the break". It requires you to click again and see the rest of ......whatever. 

For the super long posts with loads of pictures, I get takes a really long time to load all those shots and it is probably faster to do it this way. BUT, that's not the ones I am talking about. I am talking about the ones that have only a paragraph more after the additional 'click'. The ones that.....OK, I'll say it.....the ones where it feels like they are only trying to get an additional click out of you. The ones that feel like they are trying to manipulate their numbers. Those! 

How do you feel about the page breaks? Do you click on? Be honest. 

I'll go first, I usually don't. I can count on one hand the number of bloggers or blog posts in a day that I am willing to 'click to continue'. By the way, there is a really easy way around that extra click, and if all of you hate it, I'll teach you how.

I try really hard to visit all my 'friends'. I try even harder to leave comments when I have visited because it feels great to get a comment. It never gets old, and everyone likes them. If you don't have word verification on, then you will most likely get a comment from me. If you have your email address in your profile, then you will probably get a reply from time or another. Side note, don't use your Google Plus in your profile.

But, if you want me to visit your blog (one click). Follow the break (second click). And leave a comment (third click)....that is a lot to expect.

Now it's your turn...what are your thoughts on the page break? Look, we are not going to change the world, we are just sharing our thoughts. 

And if you use the page break, why do you do it?

Here is an update to all of this.

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Linda {Calling it Home} Linda {Calling it Home}

How to Disable Word Verification & CAPTCHA on Blogger

Please consider taking down your word verification. I love leaving comments on blogs. I try...a lot!! However, on an iPhone or iPad and is nearly impossible. Not to mention that word verification, itself, has gotten quite difficult to read. Here is a video that will show you how to modify yours. I have different preferences with some of her settings but the overall goal is the same.

Thank you, Randomocity for this video

I realized, after sending e-mails to people, that most bloggers don't know they have this. If you don't know if word verification is on your comments.....leave your blog address on this comments, and we will visit you and find out.

My question to you is, if after one failed attempt with word verification, do you try again OR move on?

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Linda {Calling it Home} Linda {Calling it Home}

Hope I don't Bore You!

I have been tagged by two bloggers to play a game. Suzy for Saved by Suzy and Cathy from Room RX. This is funny, because if people really knew me (and now you will know more about me), I am not that social.

Here are the rules (you must post the rules)...answer eleven questions....tag eleven other bloggers...ask them eleven new questions. Sorry if I am about to bore you....I never quit a challenge ( I do break chain letters!).

Here are Suzy's eleven questions:

1) If you could visit one place in the world, where would it be?
I have always wanted to go to Australia!

2) What is your dream job?
I don't have a specific one, but it would involve doing DIY and getting paid for it!

3) What is your favorite book?
I recently read this, and loved it!

4) Name an item on your bucket list.
Find my Sister...won't tell you any more on that.

5) Do you speak any other languages?
I butcher Spanish all the time.

6) If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

7) If you could change anything about your current home, what would it be?
The State that it is in. I love my home, I just wish it was on a beach somewhere.

8) What is something you've learned from blogging?
Don't take any of this seriously or personally.

9) If you could take any type of class, what would it be about?
Gourmet cooking.

10) If you could have dinner with one person, who would it be?
Barbara Streisand.

11) If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
My height. I am only 5'2" (and a half).

And now, Cathy's questions (won't blame you if you click away)

1) Do you like to cook or bake?
Both, but I think I am a better baker.

2) My one guilty pleasure is....?
Most of the "Housewives" series...I don't do New Jersey!

3) To unwind at the end of a long day I....?
Take a hot bath.

4) Where do you do your blogging?
Either the Family Room or in bed.

5) I could eat a whole bag/box/package of... in one sitting?
Jalapeno chips

6) White wine or red?

7) My idea of the perfect day is....?
Gardening from sun up to sun down.

8) The room in my home that I like the best is...?
My dining room...coming Wednesday!

9) The accomplishment I am most proud of in the past year is...?
My kids. My son, for hitting his stride. My daughter for exceeding my expectations.

10) What song can't you get out of your head right now?
Whatever song I heard that morning.

11) What is one item on your "bucket list?"
Answered it above.

If I haven't lost are my eleven bloggers I am tagging (maybe it's you?)

Jen from Insideways
Mimi from First Come Flowers
Danylle from Nana Moon Shop
Taylor from Taylor Morgan Design
Jessie from Mix & Chic
Beckie from Cubicle 57
Meg from Made by Meg
Rebecca from Older And Wisor
Janet from House Four
Annie from Looking for my ID
The Stucco Bungalow

Here are your eleven questions;
1. What makes you laugh?
2. What is your favorite quote?
3. Are you a morning person?
4. What do yo do better than most people you know?
5. If you could re-live one day from your childhood, what would it be?
6. What was your best blog post?
7. When you look back at this year (2012), what do you think will be your greatest accomplishment?
8. Who is your celebrity crush?
9. What is your favorite movie?
10. What chore do you hate?
11. What would be your perfect meal?

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Linda {Calling it Home} Linda {Calling it Home}

It's All About the Swag!

Yesterday, I told you about my encounter with Emily.

As promised, here is the Gift Bag breakdown

photo borrowed from Kim

I used Kim's photo, she's an interior designer and styled the layout so well!

Drum roll please...

Handcrafted Soap
Wild Mint & Maple Syrup
 This soap smells so fantastic, I don't know if I should use it, or eat it? It is definitely pretty "company" soap that would go great with any of these. By Century Farmhouse.

Ginger Molasses Cookies from Cookie Zen

available here

Organic snacks from Peeled & bars from Kind

Gardenia candle from Naturally Me - another amazingly scented item!

Politically correct, and SUPER yummy candies from Sweetriot

This adorable Notebook (what every blogger needs)

from Poppin

A cool sanitizer toothbrush

from Violight

This lovely hand & body lotion (check out their other products...can you say "younger looks")

available here

this super cute mini tie

from Tweek

Tuscan Fantasy Seasoning
from Stacey Hawkins
It came with a small recipe book. Kim & Beckie were tweeting about making their Tuscan Chicken dish. However, I went straight to the Bread Dipping Oil. Oh yeah, and did I mention a glass of red wine? Now that's wine pairing!

AND FINALLY, the last item in the gift bag, this BEAUTIFUL bracelet

from LCVintage

This bracelet will be in gift bags at the Emmys!

LCVintage is the Etsy shop of


I have to show you my favorite piece of hers

available here

...and now I am going to take the rest of the week off. I am going to have scary togetherness lovely quality time with my kids before life school begins!

I'm sure it will be just like this...

OH, sure to come back next week, I will be sharing my thoughts & ideas for an on-line Upholstery Class......don't worry, it will be FREE (so you'll get what you pay for)!


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Linda {Calling it Home} Linda {Calling it Home}

Meet & Greet Emily Henderson!

A few weeks ago, I got this

I KNOW! Crazy, right?

You know what I'm thinking...

It was a fantastic evening in NYC.

First, my favorite HGTV Design Star, Emily

Emily & me

My favorite guest blogger

Lisa & Emily

Some new blogger friends

Natalie, Jenny, Me & Deweese

Emily & Me


Lana & Kim

Everyone had a fantastic time. Hurricane Irene was the main conversation, and today I am hoping that all is well everywhere.

This is what I asked Emily about her show;......

1. Who pays for all the stuff?

Like that enormous red sectional/booth @ 5K

Answer; HGTV

2. Where is the Style Diagnostic filmed (looks like your house/studio)?

Answer; In a studio

3. Do you shop for all of those crazy options you have spread out

Answer; not any more, I have help with that

4. How far in advance do you shop for the room

Answer; about a month

Emily is as cute, fun and sweet in person as you would expect. Finally, she said she was not sure of a name for her own style......

How about; California, West Elm, Girly, fun?

Tomorrow, I'll talk about the gift bags. Oh yeah, there was swag too!

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