Linda {Calling it Home} Linda {Calling it Home}

Happy & Healthy to All

A quick Thank You to Apartment Therapy for featuring my tutorial. I love those guys!

And now my Sweet Blogging Friends, I am cutting out early this Holiday Season. As you know, when my kids are off, so am I. I will be around from time to time visiting your blogs and sending a few emails.

This was a fantastic year for my little blog. I could not have enjoyed it without all of your support and comments. It's the exchange of ideas and thoughts with all of you that make it so enjoyable for me. Thank you for all of your support.

In-between torturing my family with my micro-parenting and clicking around online.....I will be catching up on my reading. I have had several books waiting for me on my Kindle.

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

Brene Brown is famous for giving the TED talk about The Power of vulnerability

Here is an excerpt:

Blogging and putting it out there for the world to judge, can definitely leave you feeling vulnerable. 

Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

Sheryl writes;

I find her interviews so interesting. 

A Whole New Mind

My son is Right Brained, so I hope this is true.

Here are a few blog posts you may find interesting;

Is your blog name right for you? If you are thinking of changing it......the sooner the better!

Want to meet more bloggers and grow your network? Here's my formula.

Do you know how to figure out your blog size? This does not work on a Mac.

If you have not checked out all the Before & After's from the One Room Challenge Linking Participants, you should.

Have a Healthy and Happy New Year!

See you in 2014.

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Linda {Calling it Home} Linda {Calling it Home}

That Book.....

About a month ago, I asked you if you had read....that book.  It appears, from the comments, that we were all curious about, I downloaded it to my Kindle.....and completely forgot about it! It's a bad habit of mine, I am easily distracted. Well, somewhere around Thursday or Friday, I heard, yet another, talk show mention it. Remembering that I had it, I decided to start reading it...and finally dismiss it once and for all.

Well, by Saturday, I had downloaded the second book onto my Kindle

...and on Sunday, I downloaded the third one

I guess you can say that I am one of the Millions who got completely hooked on the series.

Here is what I thought.....when I started the first book, it wasn't long before I thought "this isn't for me"....but I read on. By the middle of the book, I was thinking " it's 9 1/2 weeks" (remember the movie?). Still, I read on. Closer to the end of the first one, I thought...."I know how this will end".....and it did exactly that. Only, I felt for this young girl and was frustrated with her state of mind.

In the second book, EVERYTHING  changed. I was shocked!  I had to know more. I could not decide what or how to feel about the situation, and by the way these books are extremely graphic with explicit details of adult behavior....if you know what I mean. Definitely rated "X".

And now, the third and final book....I haven't finished it yet, because I want it to last. I know I will wish there was a fourth. Needless to say, I have a ton of laundry to get to because I could not put this series down.

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