A Lovely Reader, A Leprechaun and A Contest

Hello my lovely readers. Did everyone have a great weekend? Saturday was sunny and beautiful around here.....we won't talk about the Sunday. As for today, so sorry people to the South of me....you have snow. Very rarely, are we in the bragging position. 

This is a funny small-world story. Do you remember when I wrote about this beach house? Well, I received an email from one of my readers.....and.....her.....home.....is across the street from the one I featured. Now how crazy is that? AND.....it's for sale, too. I am beginning to wonder if everyone is trying to get off the island (Gilligan's Island joke). She told me that her son made this beautiful sign that greets you when you enter.

So today is St. Patrick's Day. I would not be fulfilling my obligatory blogging duties if I did not put something green on my blog for you. 

Since I have been in a Spring shopping mood.....

And they must be colored blind, because you won't believe what they are putting in the sale....hint, it doesn't look green to me, but I'll take it!

My Polyvore contest ended last night. Once the Polyvore powers inform me on how I go about picking a winner.....I will let you know. 

Today, Jennifer is being featured on Polyvore and her contest is a chance to win a $500 gift certificate to Horchow. You can enter her contest, here. I would love to win this. Since Jennifer entered a board a day in my contest, I am going to try and do the same. You can enter as often as you like. 

Here is my first entry.

If you do enter the contest, then you may also want to join a few Polyvore groups so more people can see your designs. Here are three Polyvore groups I highly recommend :)

Have a lovely green day!

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One Room Challenge Linking Info


How I Would Spend $500 on OKL?