First Ladies Decorate

Happy President's Day! As we celebrate the men whom have held office, I thought it would be fun to give a nod to the women behind them....and in some cases, next to them. 

Here are some of the decorating decisions made by our First Ladies.

Jackie Kennedy - 1961
Red Room Kennedy - Johnson
Red Room Nixon
Red Room Clinton - Obama
The Green Room - Bush
Michelle Obama - 2011
Nancy Raegan - 1984
I am going to ask you a NON POLITICAL question. Now let's be respectful of everyone's personal politics... we are just talking about decorating style....which decorating style do you prefer?

I think I like Nancy's the best. From what I can see, she incorporated Chinoiserie in just the right amount. 

When I took this quiz, I was more like Michelle.

How about you?

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Timeless Design


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