How Do You Pick a Real Estate Agent

Hello my friends. I want to turn the tables today. I am always going off and giving you unsolicited  advice on things you should and shouldn't do. I have given so much advice on blogging, networking, and anything else I think you would benefit from.... So today, I want to hear from you....

How do you pick a real estate agent when it comes to listing your own home?

Let's face it, we all know several people qualified and licensed to sell our homes....but is that enough?

As you can imagine, I have been receiving phone calls from people wanting to list my home. I'm a former salesperson, so I can appreciate a cold call. 

In blogging, I continue to reach out to individuals I have never met as well..... and as shocking as this may seem.... many of them have never heard of this blog. I get it.

Home Alone

For the sake of a level argument, let's assume the following;

1. The home will be listed by an agent and not sold privately.

2. The commission percentage is exactly the same for all agents. 

With a level playing field, what do you look for in an agent? Do you go with your friend? Do you like those emails you may get with the 'tips'? How about the postcards with recipes?

Seriously, is your husband involved in the process?

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True Confessions


Pool, Pagoda, and Patio