Nantucket Style....Nicole Scott

I remember it well, I was new to blogging and read an article about nasty comments. I left the comment "I have never received any comments, so I can't relate". AND then, Nicole Scott came and visited my blog!

We have been friends ever since. 

Linda is a very special friend. She's the first person I ever connected with when I started my blog, and vice-versa. Lucky me huh?  So, because I adore her, I jumped at the chance to guest post this month for 31 days of Nantucket.  Now, you might think that if you're having '31 days of Nantucket' on your blog it may not seem like a logical choice to wrangle your Polish Canadian pal from the west coast of British Columbia to submit a guest blog post...I mean what do I know about Nantucket right? But don't worry peeps, Linda's a genius and geared me toward my current passion which is selling Etsy Pillows. Everyone Loves Pillows Right?!

With mission in hand I first consulted a map (since I've never been), fired up the old Pinterest wheel and immediately found some inspiration from the Nantucket area. I have matched some awesome pillows from Etsy to my inspirations that I hope you will like. Check them Out!
Etsy Seller

Etsy Seller

Etsy Seller

Thank's Nicole, not bad for a Canuck!

Be sure to check out Nicole's pillows at her Etsy Shop. This is my  personal favorite.

iPhone Case Winner!


Nantucket Style - Bethany Brower