My Public "TTD" List

Yesterday, we had two arrivals; Spring, and this
25 yards of mulch!

It is time to prioritize. Let me start by saying how much I hate prioritizing. I want all of it done, yesterday. Here is my top 10 Public "Things To Do" List (in no particular order) that I would like to complete by June 15th. There, I said it, let the check list begin...

1. Put down 25 yards of mulch.
2. Finish 2 chairs for the Tween room.
3. Customize "ready-made" drapery panels.
4. Clean & put "liming wax" finish on front porch furniture.
5. Sew new white cushions for front porch furniture.
6. Plant window boxes & containers.
7. Restore the old raised beds in the vegetable garden.
8. Put down a new layer of pea gravel in the vegetable garden.
9. Plant the vegetable garden.
10. Plant Boxwood or Holly bushes to hide the ugly chain link fence.

I'm tired just thinking about all of this, but it feel good to set a goal. What are your goals for this Spring? C'mon, share your TTD List!

A Thankful Monday!


Low Voltage Ceiling Lights